Bread gulab jamun


Bread -10 slice( cut the sides)
Milk- 3-4 tsp
Oil for deep Frying
Sugar- 2 cup
Water-1 1/2 cup
Ghee -1tsp
Rose water- 2-3 drop
Pistachio -1/4 cup
Cardamom powder  1/4 tsp

How to make bread gulab  jamun

In a pan add 1 1/2 cup water and 2 cup
Sana's rasoi  bread  gulab  jamun
sugar, cardamom powder and rose water cook it till sugar  dissolve in water on high  flame. Than cook it on low  flame for 8 to 10 minutes. And off the flame.

Add bread  slice  and 2-3 tsp milk in a bowl and leave  it for a minute. Than mash the bread well and add 1tsp  ghee and leave it for 2 minutes.

Now grease  your hand and make small balls.making sure they are no cracks ( don't press the hard or the  end result  the jamun be hard in the middle)

Heat oil in a pan and add the balls fry it till golden  brown  on medium flame. Keep paper towel  on plat and keep  fried jamun on it

Add the jamun in sugar syrup it need to be hot so  that they shoak in it.

Garnish with crushed Pistachio.
Serve hot or warm.


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